Wednesday, July 3, 2013


Summer is always a busy time for us, usually due to VBS, Youth Camp, vacation, and other activities that are mostly church-related. :)  We also LOVE that there is no school and we can spend more time together. While, we certainly are not the perfect family, we do have a lot of sweet moments... as well as some not-so-sweet. Our four boys have been a little testy since getting back from their visit to grandparents; but, through it all, our oldest has shown a new level of maturity. He breaks up fights between his younger brothers and offers to help his mommy more.  I decided to post a few pics from W. birthday trip to Lake Winnie in Chattanooga in honor of my sweet guy. We all had the best time! Most of my family was there, and it was such a blessing to hang out with them and have fun.  So, here we go!

These guys loved the boats...such a simple ride, but obviously
a blast for them! Even Tucker made it on!

Tuck had the best seat in the to ride around in
his stroller with his battery-powered fan! :)

Judd didn't care for the rides at first, but once he
saw how much his brothers loved them, he started
 to enjoy them more.

Love my Abe! He had the best time...even rode the Ferris
Wheel with his mommy! 

Love the old-timey look of this pic. My favorite part though...
the expression on Abe's face! :)

The swings were a big favorite...I think they rode them
like 20 times!

Best part....Daddy all to ourselves.  We love him very much!

Enjoyed the new water park as well.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Tomato Woes

William and Abe are at the age of discovery! Everything is new and interesting to them, and they LOVE talking...both of them.  There is never a lull in conversation at our house (unless they're sleeping); and we like it this way.  Yes, there are days when we relish quiet, but most of the time we can't wait to hear what they're going to say next.

In a house full of boys, dialogue often strays along the topics of bodily functions, bugs, animals, pirates, super heroes, dirt, digging in dirt, sticks, rocks, and "The Things They Learn at School". The latter is very important, because they try to out-do each other in the "I know more than you" arena. Sometimes their discourse gets a little heated and I have to step in and be the peacemaker. Most of the time, it's chummy banter. For example, I had to make a quick trip to the store to grab a few necessities, and William and Abe tagged along.  The poked, picked, and chuckled all through the store. On the drive home, William decided to throw out something important he learned at school.

WILLIAM:  Abe...did you know that a tomato is a fruit?
ABE:  (no response)
WILLIAM:  Hey, Abe!  Did you know that a tomato is a fruit? My teacher said so!
ABE:  (no response)

At this point I spy Abe in my mirror just looking out the window.  I wonder if he's ignoring William on purpose. I choose not to say anything.

WILLIAM:  Did you hear me, Abe? A tomato is a fruit!
ABE:  (sighs) No, Will-i-a-a-m! A banana is a fruit!  A TOMATO is a BOB!!!

Since he was two, Abe has been enamored with Bob and the VeggieTale gang.  When he said this, I had to chuckle.  To this day, he will not eat a tomato because it's BOB!  He's a precious guy, but one of these days he's going to discover just how yummy a bob can be. :)